Updated in 2023
- What does Coderbyte do?
- Who is Coderbyte for?
- What does Coderbyte cost?
- Ratings and reviews of Coderbyte
- Alternatives to Coderbyte
- How does Coderbyte compare to Pathrise?
What does Coderbyte do?
Coderbyte is an online collection of 300+ algorithm and full-stack coding challenges and interview kits. Users can use 15+ languages including React, Python, and SQL and solve the problems directly in their online editor. The challenges come with official solutions as well as over 1 million user solutions and discussions. Users can filter challenges by difficulty, topic, and/or company. They have interview questions from Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft.
Newer developers can check out the 1 week long starter courses, which teach the fundamentals of algorithms, JavaScript, Python, and Ruby in one week (each).
In order to access the material on Coderbyte, users first create a profile. They take an assessment to be rated on their skills in programming language abilities, data structures, and algorithms. Users can move through the ranks by solving challenges correctly.
Users can also practice for coding interviews using Coderbyte interview kits. They have interview kits for data structures & algorithm, Ruby, and Google. These kits provide questions on a variety of topics and skill levels. Users can also participate in a mock interview through the platform.

Who is Coderbyte for?
Software engineers who are looking to prepare for their technical interviews could benefit from the challenges and kits on Coderbyte. Plus, users who are less advanced can take the 1-week classes in Javascript, Ruby, Python, and data structures & algorithms.
What does Coderbyte cost? How much work is involved?
Some of the courses and challenges on Coderbyte are free. Alternatively, the rest are part of a paid membership. Users can choose between subscription and one-time payment options. Coderbyte costs $35 per month on the monthly plan or $150 if you pay annually. However, users can also choose to pay $29 for 14 days of use or $79 for 90 days.
Ratings and reviews
Coderbyte is a very well known platform with a lot of positive reviews. It has been featured as a top coding challenge website by gitconnected, which is a platform for developers and software engineers to share knowledge, connect, collaborate, and learn. They specifically like that Coderbyte allows users to view official solutions and user-submitted solutions, giving people additional ways to learn. Coderbyte is also on freeCodeCamp’s list of top coding challenge websites.
Alternatives to Coderbyte
If you choose not to use Coderbyte to practice for your software engineering interviews, here are some other options for you to consider.
- Created by a former Google software engineer, Interview Cake is a study tool that teaches people the right way to think about technical questions so they do well in interviews. Read more about Interview Cake in our review.
- Another well known platform is AlgoExpert. Like Coderbyte, they offer a variety of questions on different topics. In addition, users can code in-browser.
- Similarly, Codebasil features questions written by software engineers at top tech companies like Facebook, Apple, and Amazon.
- Leetcode is another popular place for software engineers to practice coding challenges. Most people feel that the questions are more geared towards real work on this platform.
- Likewise, HackerRank has a variety of technical challenges that users can practice. Plus, it is a platform that companies often use to assess candidates. Therefore, people often use the practice questions to get a sense of what they will be tested on and to work in that environment.
- Similarly, employers use CodeSignal to test candidates as well. But, software engineers can also use it to practice technical questions and actually connect with hiring managers by applying to jobs through the challenges.
- If you are looking for technical questions directly in your email, Daily Coding Problem is a newsletter that sends 1 problem per day and the solutions for those who subscribe.
- Similarly, Quastor sends out a daily newsletter with software engineering interview questions. They also have a free online course.
- For those looking to practice Java, Python, and more, check out Learneroo, a platform with interview questions and solutions.
- Software engineers can use the tracks offered by Educative and Skilled.dev to brush up on skills or practice for specific-language interviews.
More alternatives to Coderbyte
- Codewars is a user-generated alternative, which means that the community writes all of the challenges.
- Those looking to participate in mock interviews with software engineers at top tech companies should check out Interviewing.io. Users can skip through interview processes by doing anonymous sessions with real hiring managers. Learn more about Interviewing.io in our review.
- Pramp, Tech Mock Interview, and Gainlo are other resources for software engineers looking for mock interview prep with their peers or anonymous engineers.
- For people looking to prep with real world problems, CodeKata provides challenges that mimic requests from real tech companies.
- Or consider CodinGame, which makes coding challenges more fun by gamifying them.
- You can also check out CodeChef and Edabit for free online communities and platforms to practice software engineering technical questions.
- With exercises in Python and JavaScript for beginners and advanced engineers, CheckiO is a good free resource to check out.
We compiled a list of resources to practice software engineer interview questions that you can use to decide the best one for you. You can also check out our list of 93 software engineering interview questions from top tech companies to practice.
How does Coderbyte compare to Pathrise?
Coderbyte is a good tool for software engineers of all skill levels to use in preparation for their technical interviews. The questions are well organized for users to learn new skills or advance their current interests so that they are ready for whatever is thrown at them in technical challenges.
At Pathrise, we are focused on helping our fellows with the entire job search. Part of that is mastering the technical interview and so we recommend that software engineers in the program practice these types of questions as much as possible. Sometimes, fellows come back from technical interviews saying that the problem they were assigned was similar to a problem they did in practice, so it is extremely important to utilize online practice platforms. This means there is a good opportunity for people to use Coderbyte and Pathrise together, as Coderbyte can help with technical advancement and Pathrise can help with everything else needed to find the best possible job for a software engineer.
Pathrise is a career accelerator that works with students and professionals 1-on-1 so they can land their dream job in tech. With our tips and guidance, we’ve seen our fellows interview performance scores double.
If you want to work with any of our mentors 1-on-1 to get help with your software engineer interviews or with any other aspect of the job search, become a Pathrise fellow.
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